the annunciation, leonardo da vinci, virgin mary

The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord


Mary’s consent to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement played a key role in the whole process of the 
Incarnation and the economy of salvation.

Every day God sends His angels to our doorsteps to announce an invitation to be a mother, to be a brother, to be a sister, to be a friend and to be a good neighbor to Jesus whom we meet in different ways, different shapes, and different times. Are we willing to rend our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our time and our lives to give life to Jesus in our own time, especially to the poor, the weak, the underprivileged and the underdogs in our own days as Mary did in her own days?

The Feast of the Annunciation is a personal invitation from God with a note of challenge compelling each of us to get out of our “cozy zones” to look for Jesus around us every day of our lives as Mary did so that we can become part of the reincarnation of Christ today and the economy of our eternal salvation.

With Him, through Him, and in Him,
Your Brother,
Fr. Tomy Puliyan, MSFS

madonna, maria, church


Mary’s consent to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement played a key role in the whole process of the 
Incarnation and the economy of salvation.

Every day God sends His angels to our doorsteps to announce an invitation to be a mother, to be a brother, to be a sister, to be a friend and to be a good neighbor to Jesus whom we meet in different ways, different shapes, and different times. Are we willing to rend our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our time and our lives to give life to Jesus in our own time, especially to the poor, the weak, the underprivileged and the underdogs in our own days as Mary did in her own days?

The Feast of the Annunciation is a personal invitation from God with a note of challenge compelling each of us to get out of our “cozy zones” to look for Jesus around us every day of our lives as Mary did so that we can become part of the reincarnation of Christ today and the economy of our eternal salvation.

With Him, through Him, and in Him,
Your Brother,
Fr. Tomy Puliyan, MSFS

madonna, maria, church

Are You Willing to Be a Render for Christ?

Holy Mother the Church celebrates today Wednesday, March 25 th , as the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. A simple commemoration of the Annunciation began in the 4 th or 5 th century and gained its current significance down through the centuries. The central focus of the celebration of this feast is the Incarnation, God becoming one of us. The Incarnation is the beginning of the love story about God’s never-ending love for us, by becoming one of us.

The central character in this particular episode is a young woman named Mary who was betrothed to Joseph from the House of David. Mary’s consent to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement played a key role in the whole process of the Incarnation and the economy of salvation. She was chosen by God for a specific mission, and she gave her full consent, not knowing what it would mean for the rest of her life. It was a leap to the unknown. What makes Mary different from other women is her consent and her willingness to make this leap to the unknown which makes her Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all. She gave her body, her mind, her heart, and her entire life to the mission to which she committed entirely by saying “Yes” to the Angel Gabriel.



Mary’s consent to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement played a key role in the whole process of the 
Incarnation and the economy of salvation.

Every day God sends His angels to our doorsteps to announce an invitation to be a mother, to be a brother, to be a sister, to be a friend and to be a good neighbor to Jesus whom we meet in different ways, different shapes, and different times. Are we willing to rend our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our time and our lives to give life to Jesus in our own time, especially to the poor, the weak, the underprivileged and the underdogs in our own days as Mary did in her own days?

The Feast of the Annunciation is a personal invitation from God with a note of challenge compelling each of us to get out of our “cozy zones” to look for Jesus around us every day of our lives as Mary did so that we can become part of the reincarnation of Christ today and the economy of our eternal salvation.

With Him, through Him, and in Him,
Your Brother,
Fr. Tomy Puliyan, MSFS

madonna, maria, church

2 thoughts on “The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord”

  1. Sr. Valsamma George

    Good reflection !! It helps us to look in to ourselves… to play the part of mary by saying yes to our daily life situations…. to accept God’s plan in our life..

  2. Since my conversion about a decade ago, this has been one of my favorite feasts — the Word becoming Flesh in Time and History — and in our current, somewhat wild, moment in history, it is a precious reminder that this feast calls us to live as Christ to all people, but most especially to those who need the most help — thank you so much, Fr. Tomy!

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