france, st michel, church

The Most Holy Trinity

The Divine Family and Human Families!

Families are every basic unit of our society, and when families are whole and healthy, our community will also become well. We look for modes and samples in our lives as a source of inspiration and motivation to make our families healthy. Christianity provides an excellent role model for family life in the family of the Most Holy Trinity, a divine family of shared love. Catholic Christians all over the world celebrate this Sunday as the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. The doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is very fundamental to Christian Faith. It teaches that there are three distinct persons in one God, sharing the same Divine Nature, co-equal and co-eternal. It is undoubtedly difficult for a human mind to grasp this doctrine, which teaches that 1+1+1 = 1 and not 3. It is the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. It is a family of shared love among three persons of the same divine family. All prayers in Catholic churches begin in the Name of the Holy Trinity and end glorifying the Trinity. All Sacraments are administered in the name of the Holy Trinity. Church bells ring thrice daily, reminding us to give glory to the Holy Trinity for the Incarnation of Jesus and His Redemption of all of us. We bless ourselves, and the priest blesses us in the Name of the Holy Trinity.

There is a great need to create our families as families of love, just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united in love and understanding.

Sometimes we sit on our armchairs and make statements saying, “our world is going crazy, or our society is not the same anymore.” Well, we fail to acknowledge the fact that our families had gone crazy long ago, and that is why today, our society/world has gone mad.  There is a saying, “psychopaths are born, but sociopaths are created.” Antisocial persons and sociopaths are created in our own families, in our backyards, sometimes even without our knowledge. They come from dysfunctional families around us, and they become significant threats to the world. These people have been of a considerable challenge to the civilized human society. They are the fruits of families without love, compassion, and mercy; above all, persons without the proper understanding of the self, others, and God.

 What we are today is just because of the family where we are born and raised. Our nature and nurture define who we are today and what we will become tomorrow. Families are always a source of blessings for each of us. Our parents are our “tangible gods” whom we can see, touch, feel, talk, and experience on a day-to-day level. They are the best elementary teachers, and our homes are our best elementary schools. When our primary education does not begin on the right note, our complete training will go on a wrong record and we will end up being sociopaths.

persons, family, parents


It is in this context, the family of the Holy Trinity, a family of divine love, become relevant to our human families and human society today. There is a great need to create our families as families of love, just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united in love and understanding. It will be a great privilege to grow up in such beautiful families. Our conviction of the presence of the Triune God within us should also help us to esteem ourselves as God’s holy dwelling place where we can practice acts of justice and charity. Our conviction of the Triune Presence within us should also encourage us to respect and honor others as “Temples of the Holy Spirit.”  The love, unity, and joy in the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit should be the supreme model of our relationships within our Christian families. Our families become truly Christian only when we live in a relationship of love with God and with others around us.  

Therefore, we need to take the Holy Trinity as the models of families and take God as the source of strength in our daily lives. Hence, let us turn to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in prayer every day, because we belong to the family of the Triune God.


Fr Tomy Puliyan, MSFS

“Holiness and Happiness through Wellness and Wholeness”







5 thoughts on “The Most Holy Trinity”

  1. Very powerful. My nieces and nephews are divided with the current protesting. We were not raised predijuse but golly my one nephew is brainwashed, I can,t believe what he says. How are you doing, stay well fr. Mary

  2. Today’s message about holy trinity is really an inspiring message.we believe with the help of the Holy trinity one God our family is a loving family.

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